Gaming News

Valorant’s new Agent Gekko debuts in Episode 6 Act II


Riot’s Valorant is getting a new agent named Gekko in the upcoming Act of Episode 6. Valorant’s Episode 6 Act II begins this week and will include a new battle pass alongside the agent.

The new Agent Geko will be hailing from Los Angeles and will have a crew of calamitous creatures, which he will be using for abilities. As you’d expect, he’ll have main abilities and an ultimate.

In this article, let’s take a look at the agent’s abilities and the new act’s release date.

Agent Gekko: All you need to know about the new Valorant Agent

Gekko will be an initiator who will help his team to capture a site on the map. Gekko will have different pets around him that will clear his way, giving entry to the entire team on the site.

Dizzy (E): This will be the first ability of the agent. Upon pressing ‘E’, Gekko will throw his turtle-like pet, which will unleash blind plasma at enemies in line of sight. The effect of the blind plasma will stay for a few seconds.

Wingman (Q): Upon pressing ‘Q’, Gekko will release another creature called Wingman who will unleash a concussive blast toward the first enemy in line of sight. Players can ALT Fire when targetting a spike site, so the creature can defuse or plant the spike. Once the Wingman is expired, he’ll revert into a dormant globule and can then be reclaimed, and after a short cooldown, the ability will be charged and ready to use.

Mosh Pit (C): Mosh is another animal that Gekko can release as a grenade. Mosh will be a small green jelly-like creature that will bounce and explode on the marked area giving damage to enemies.

Thrash (X): Finally, upon pressing X, Gekko will unleash his ultimate. Thrash is an armored fish-like pet that will explode to detain enemies. Just like Wingman, Thrash can be reclaimed as a globule.

Valorant’s Episode 6 Act II will begin on March 8 at 9:30 AM IST.


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